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3 posts tagged with "crossplane"

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· 2 min read

In the realm of text editors, Neovim stands out for its extensibility, especially for developers working with Kubernetes. The telescope-crossplane.nvim extension bridges the gap between Neovim's editing capabilities and Kubernetes resource management. This tutorial outlines the prerequisites, installation, and setup processes for integrating telescope-crossplane.nvim into Neovim, providing an efficient way to manage Kubernetes resources.


Obviously some familiarity with Crossplane plus the following installed.

  • Neovim version 0.9.0 or higher.
  • The telescope.nvim plugin
  • kubectl


Installation of telescope-crossplane.nvim can be achieved through various plugin managers. A popular choice is packer.nvim. To install, include the following in the Neovim configuration file (init.lua):

use { "Piotr1215/telescope-crossplane.nvim",
requires = { { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' } },
config = function()

Setup and Usage

Once installed, telescope-crossplane.nvim offers two commands that enhance Kubernetes management:

:Telescope telescope-crossplane crossplane_managed for managing Crossplane resources.
:Telescope telescope-crossplane crossplane_resources for a broader view of Kubernetes resources.

These commands can be executed directly in Neovim, bringing Kubernetes resource management into the editor.

This integration significantly reduces context switching, as developers can view, edit, and manage Kubernetes resources without leaving their coding environment.

Benefits of Integration

Integrating telescope-crossplane.nvim with Neovim offers several advantages:

Streamlines Kubernetes workflows by bringing kubectl functionalities into Neovim.
Enhances productivity by reducing the need to switch between terminal and editor.
Offers a unified interface for code and Kubernetes resource management.


Neovim is a very extensible editor, lua is easy to learn and plugins not that difficult. It might be some learning at the beginning, but it’s well worth it.

The workflow with editing Crossplane resources (or any kubernetes resources for the matter) is a very common one. Deleting finalizes, adding/removing annotations etc. It’s all about staying in the flow and not leaving your main development environment.

· 9 min read

Photo by Ben on Unsplash

Infrastructure as Code: the next big shift is here


In this blog, we will look at the evolution of software infrastructure; provisioning, delivery and maintenance.

If you are interested in modern DevOps and SRE practices, this article is for you.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a common pattern where virtualized infrastructure and auxiliary services can be managed using configuration expressed in almost any language, usually hosted in a source code repository.

Every once in a while software industry is shaped by significant events called Paradigm Shift. Here are a few such events that made Infrastructure as Code what it is today: